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Next parcel batch: February 21, then March 3

Ravensberger latex pillow


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Ship by weight: ships within next batch (check top of website for the date); other shipping methods: ships within 2 days after being in stock
1 200.00 Grams
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Latex pillow from the German manufacturer Ravensberger. Original product page:

Dimensions: 60 cm long, 40 cm wide, 12 cm tall

The material is 100% latex with 50% natural latex. I've been using this pillow for 11 years and I'd say that for the first 8 years the condition has been excellent, only having deteriorated in the last 3 years (reduced elasticity) to where it needs replacing now (but is still more comfortable than the vast majority of other pillows I've used so far).

So the minimum lifespan you can expect from it should be around 5 years.

The height of 12 cm is well-suited for both sleeping on your back and on your side for most people. Some have expressed finding it a bit too tall for sleeping on the back, but perfect for sleeping on the side. If you mainly sleep on your front, you'll probably prefer a much thinner pillow, if you need one at all (depending on the type of mattress you use).

In order for ideal performance, particular when lying on your back, you best combine it with a latex foam mattress. With a more firm mattress type, the effective height of the pillow will be higher, which can be uncomfortable for people especially if your chest circumference is on the thin side.

Unlike more traditional feather-filled pillows, this one is made of a solid, elastic sheet rather than large quantities of small individual pieces, so you never need to rearrange the filling.


Multiple people in Germany who bought this pillow on my recommendation have expressed that they used to have frequent neck pain with all their previous pillows, but had it go away instantly after switching to this pillow.

While the number of international buyers has been limited (due to only being available through custom requests), feedback so far has been positive:

Due to the manufacturer not offering export shipping, I'm making it available to international customers through this listing. In order to make the purchase more worthwhile, you might want to opt for a combined order with some of my deodorant cream, controller parts, controller tools or other products.