High-quality tripoint screwdriver for Gamecube controllers (and other products that use tripoint screws, like Gameboys).
The top rotates, allowing for very fast use. Every screwdriver is magnetized by me so that it can pick up screws well.
The handle is of soft rubber, providing excellent grip. The base is quite thin, allowing for speedy loosening of the screw once you've overcome the initial tightening.
This product: Wera microstix 1 / Wera microstix 0, alternative (also available here): WLXY-2109 (Y 3.0).
My personal thoughts about these, from many years of experience:
Wera 1: + grips and tightens both screw types extremely well
~ doesn't let go of screws as easily
− handle not quite as comfortable and grippy
− much more expensive
Wera 0: + grips and tightens both screw types reliably
+ a slightly less tight fit than Wera 1 means that the tip lets go of holder-type screws more quickly
~ can't tighten quite as strongly as with Wera 1 without risk of slippage / need to apply more force against the screw to prevent slippage
WLXY: + more comfortable soft handle
+ pointier end lets go of older-type screws more quickly
− pointier end doesn't grip new-type screws (wider) less reliably (found in the most recent GCC editions), with this type of screw you need to press quite strongly to prevent stripping
Recommendation: start out with the WLXY. If you mostly work on new 2018 / 2014 Smash edition controllers or are ambitious about GCC modding, also get the Wera 0 or 1, with 0 being faster all-around, but 1 being able to reach a higher maximum screw tightness.
Personally I use the WLXY far more than the Wera, with the latter being mainly used for the wider screw type, but also if I wanted to secure the older screw type really tightly.